Is TeraHertz Technology Beneficial For Humankind?

TeraHertz technology is one of the breakthrough discoveries that have revolutionized different industries like Medicine and Engineering. The TeraHertz frequency possesses unique properties and doesn’t pose any health risks for humans. From detecting explosives/drugs to monitoring the thickness of the substance to detecting material defects, there are limitless areas where TeraHertz radiation can be used. 

About TeraHertz Frequency

In the electromagnetic spectrum, the TeraHertz radiation lies between infrared waves and microwaves with frequencies between 100 GHz and 10 Hz. The TeraHertz frequencies are non-existent in the environment. They can be filtered by water and the atmosphere.

Previously, the TeraHertz waves weren’t detectable. With advances in technology, Terahertz waves can be detected, generated, and used in various applications today.

About TeraHertz Frequency

About TeraHertz Frequency

Applications of TeraHertz Technology

  • Medicine

There are millions of vibrations per second in the TeraHertz frequency, which is similar to the vibration frequency of human cells. Thus, the TeraHertz Technology is used to create devices aimed at physiotherapy treatment to help with medical conditions affecting the functioning of organs and your immune system. The technology can stimulate blood circulation and repair damaged cells. 

Moreover, TeraHertz Technology has been doing wonders in Biomedicine. The THz radiation is used in tomography to diagnose diseases and detect organisms. Biological and chemical agents can be identified as well. 



  • Manufacturing Industry

Every tangible good manufactured in the industry has to go through the processing and assembling stages. Since the TeraHertz wave can easily penetrate through finished goods, it can detect any defects that may have occurred as a result of assembling. The use of this electromagnetic wave can ensure the quality of the products. Aside from that, TeraHertz spectroscopy is useful in inspecting products that may have hazardous chemical substances. 

  • Security

THz wave can identify substances like explosives, weapons, and drugs carried by a user in the crowd. As it can penetrate opaque materials such as walls and clothes, the THz radiation can identify materials, layer by layer, behind any obstacle. Due to its strong penetration power and low energy, the TeraHertz wave can be used as an alternative to CT scans and X-rays. Also, it can be used in the non-destructive testing of buildings. 

  • Science 

With TeraHertz Technology, Astronomers can study the space and the formation of stars. THz band waves can detect nitrogen, oxygen, water, and carbon monoxide molecules in the air, making it useful for monitoring the environmental conditions and the ozone layer.

These waves are used to identify materials such as semiconductors, photovoltaic cells, etc, and can help create devices effective for communications. Since it has a short wavelength and high bandwidth, it can offer 10 Gbps wireless speed,  paving the way for 6G. 




TeraHertz technology is undoubtedly benefiting people belonging to different areas. It has brought about a paradigm shift in the fields of Science and Technology. In the near future, the technology will continue to help people in achieving goals be it skin-care treatment, fast wireless communication, advanced systems used for imaging measurements, and many others. 

Because of the low energy characteristics of the radiation, it is classified as non-hazardous for humans and animals. 

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